Our Team

  • Jayani


    Chief Purpose Officer & Founder


    Colombo, SRL / Currently: Sydney, AUS  

    Fave Cuisine:

    Sri Lankan & Authentic Thai  

    About Jayani:

    Jayani is the culinary wizard behind Gedera & Co. She wears many hats, from product dev. to supply chain, fulfilling her dream of building a social enterprise. A foodie at heart, Jayani loves experimenting with new flavors and creating fusion dishes. And as a devoted mom & advocate of equity and inclusion, family always comes first in her recipe for success.

  • Samia


    Sweet & Spicy Storyteller 


    Bay Area, California, USA

    Fave Cuisine:

    Korean & Indian

    About Samia:

    Samia is a copywriter, editor, and tea enthusiast based in the Bay Area of California. When she’s not writing fun & sensorial food stories for Gedera & Co., you can find her playing with her cats, watching anime, or going on walks with a podcast. She loves writing musings about life & liminal moments on her blog, Steeped by Samia!  

  • Samadhi


    Mini Sous Chef


    Sydney, AUS 

    Fave Cuisine:


    About Samadhi:

    When Samadhi's not busy assisting Amma and learning the art of Sri Lankan cooking, you'll find her indulging in the mouthwatering dishes they create together. Keep an eye out; she may even share a bite with their dog! Samadhi immerses herself in writing, reading, enjoying time with friends, and exploring her passion for music.

  • Tegan


    Computer Nerd


    Lichfield, ENG / Currently: Sydney, AUS

    Fave Cuisine:

    Anything cooked by Jayani!

    About Tegan:

    Tegan has a passion for languages and linguistics and that even extends to programming languages. She has found a passion for web design after being given the opportunity to create the Gedera & Co. website. In her spare time, she could be doing anything from playing Dungeons & Dragons, to dancing in salsa classes.