ආයුබෝවන් : A-yu-bo-wan : வணக்கம் : Wa-na-kam!

I’m Jayani Samaranayake, the founder of Gedera & Co. Welcome to our dinner table!

I am a true example of the phrase, “You can take a girl out of Sri Lanka, but you can't take Sri Lanka out of a girl.” When I moved to Australia, cooking Sri Lankan food helped me feel grounded and nourish myself & my loved ones. 

Gedera & Co. was born around our dinner table. I believe that everyone should experience the warmth of a family meal, the mingling of mouth-watering aromas, and the joy of sharing stories around the dinner table. I want everyone across Australia and New Zealand to experience this special joy with Sri Lankan inspired food! 

That is why we developed Gedera & Co.'s Home Cooking Kits.  

Our mission is to make it easier for you to build deeper connections with your loved ones — by spending less time cooking, and more time eating delicious & flavourful food together.

For me, Gedera & Co. isn't just a small business venture; it’s a company with big goals to create positive change in our world using Sri Lankan inspired Food. 

I am blessed with a beautiful son, Sidath, who has been diagnosed with Autism. He is intelligent and has so many unique skills, just like my daughter, Samadhi. But due to his disability, he needs additional support to do certain things.  

Here’s a stat for you: in Australia, only 49% of people with disabilities can find employment. Even fewer manage to find meaningful job opportunities that unlock their full potential. As a parent of a son with additional needs, this is a statistic I am determined to change — not only for Sidath, but for the thousands of others like him.  

Why am I sharing all this info?

That’s because my vision for Gedera & Co. is to create an organisation where neurodiversity has a seat at the table; so, people like my son can enjoy meaningful employment for years to come.   

I would love to give back to my beautiful heritage through Gedera & Co. That's why we are committed to improving the living standards of small farming communities in Sri Lanka. We support small farmers, by buying directly from them and paying a fair & above market price. 

Last but not least, I have worked in the Packaged Food industry all my working career. The plastic waste generated by this industry cannot be ignored! I am proud to say Gedera & Co. is a Zero Waste Organisation; our packaging is 100% recyclable or compostable.  

When you buy our Cooking Kits, not only are you creating a wholesome, flavourful meal for your dinner table, you’re also joining forces to change the world — one Sri Lankan inspired cooking kit at a time.  

I hope to see you around our dinner table soon!  
